Over 200 New Year New Me Part 24

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
OK I am putting my foot down!!! This spiraling funk that I have been in is OFFICIALLY over come Monday morning.I can not change what I have done in the past 2 weeks so I am moving forward and sticking with it.I will not continue this cycle anymore.For those of you that are in the same FUNK as I have been we are getting out together.We will not keep on this cycle of losing and gaining the same weight over and over again.So from now on we will hold each other accountable and we will give each other a smack in the *kitten* to move forward and keep fighting to get FIT!!! I am done doing this to myself as I am sure many of you are as well.We are going to do this and we will finish it together.Tomorrow is the start of the rest of OUR lives and a HEALTHY lifestyle FOREVER!! So lets stay on the ride and never get off.We may hit bumps but we will never get off again.We can do this and we are.I will meet my goals and so will you.My binge is officially over for good this time I don't need food to make me feel better.With this being said its going to be a GREAT WEEK for us all.My 16 year old daughter has agreed to be my fitness guru until I meet my goal.We have such a close relationship and I love how she makes me feel so young and now I want to look young and be an excellent example for my children because I want to feel young and alive when my other two girls become teenagers too.Thanks for listening girls!!I truly do love each and everyone of you like you were my sisters


  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thanks Ann for the new thread!

    I am offically off my FUNK too. That is so great for daughter to be your health guru...My daughter is the same way with me. Let do this once and for all. I am IN!!! And I am READY to finish what I started. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!

    love Ya too like a sis
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks Ann for the new thread!

    I am offically off my FUNK too. That is so great for daughter to be your health guru...My daughter is the same way with me. Let do this once and for all. I am IN!!! And I am READY to finish what I started. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!

    love Ya too like a sis
    Thanks POS!! You are awesome and I am glad you are on board!! We are going to do this and do it right.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I am in on this too, I am tired of losing and gaining every week. I am tired of being a yo-yo. I want to get this ugly weight off and for good. I am ready Cousin (Ann). You are truely my inspiration and its time to kick butt! I'm ready!!! Like Spongebob says, hehehehe :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello gals....

    HOpeeveryone had a good weekend. Today ate good, but was upset this morning. I got hubby a hrm for fathers day so he used it the 1st time this morning, so we were on the arc trainer, i am always like 1/2 of the cals the machine says, he was on maybe like 40 behind, i looked our hr was about the same the whole time. he burned 350 cals in 30 min and i did barely like 200...then we did other stuff, he burned over 700 and i burned barely 300 ....can men really burn that many more cals...or is my hmr maybe on the fritz...i haven't washed it in the washing machine (only like in the sink and stuff) so don't know if that makes a difference..

    oh well..my bad food didn't continue today so that is a good thing
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Lildebbie - just change your HRM settings to say you're male and find out what it says... should be interesting!

    Welcome Susan! Welcome Ann's cousin!

    I took my 15 yr old Grandson up to "Lakeside" a little summer town on Lake Erie where my parents and sisters have cottages. I think he'll have a job by the end of the week :) He's really happy to be here (rather than in CA with his family) its the first time he's EVER been away from his identical twin brother for more than a couple days (if that) and I think he's doing GREAT! I'm so proud of him - he's a great kid!

    George is doing pretty well - he is the star of the nursing home. 92 yrs old and all the (coherent) little old ladies call out to him asking him to play them a song (on the harmonica he carries in his pocket). So cute. But he wants OUT of the place soon so hopefully he'll be out by the end of this week.

    Our granddaughter Meghan (17) gets here Tuesday. Since her room is now where George will be staying and I'm sitting at my computer in the room that will now be hers... we have a lot of work to do! YIKES!

    AND I've switched over to a blackberry so I can get my work email on my cell phone - but my phone book wouldn't transfer so I feel totally out of touch with the world! The BlackBerry was free (used) and I'm very grateful but there is a learning curve and I'm the kind of person who LOVES reading owners manuals so going at this blind has been a challenge - in the midst of crazy life and weekend.

    Checking in for the weekend.
    Friday -
    Calories - close
    Water - fine
    Exercise - just taking the steps

    Proud - I had a really healthy food day, a little too much but it was healthy food!

    Calories - a little over
    Water - not great
    Exercise - Alex and I walked around Lakeside, and took my sister's old beagle for a long walk. So not much :(

    Proud - I was short cash, we had pizza at the restaurant where Alex hopes to get his very first job (washing dishes) and I had two pieces, then for dinner I had ice cream - but I was still pretty close to OK on calories.

    Sunday -
    Calories - under
    Water - good
    Exercise - I FINALLY did something - woke up at six and walked the perimeter of Lakeside which is about a mile - and I jogged a few times, even up hill, and I used the work out stations which were easy but still - I did them!

    Proud - exercise :)

    I also feel like I'm done with my funky half a$$ed approach:angry: - I am going to get serious again. I need to get down by the end of the year and it isn't going to happen unless I focus and really get on myself.:noway: And I'm ready to do that! Whoot!:glasses:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome Susan and dakota! :flowerforyou: You will love it here.

    lildeb - I do think men burn a LOT more calories. Grrr. :grumble: Sucks. I am so sorry about what happened at the water park. You know, people who do not understand weight, or more specifically, being overweight, do not give a hoot about a 50 lb. discrepancy in their signs, unfortunately. I'd complain to the manager, mainly for the safety of those overweight people who may hurt themselves going by an incorrect sign! HUGE lawsuit waiting to happen.

    My brother and I took my dad to, you guessed it, a buffet today for Father's Day. :laugh: He loves buffets, what can I say? He's freaking 84 so I say whatever he wants, he gets! :laugh: I am proud to report that I did VERY well there! I went over in sodium (I figured that, though, so no biggie on the psychological front :tongue: ), but stayed well within calories. I had a great week, peeps! FINALLY!

    check in:
    cals: great - over in sodium
    water: over 100 oz.
    exercise: 60 mins fast walking and 20 mins hill mode bike - I kicked my own butt! :laugh:
    proud: I went to the rec center to exercise today plus I kept in control at the buffet! :bigsmile:
  • SusanSuccess
    Thank you, Everyone, for the nice welcome.

    This is what I needed!

    Monday really does begin a new life for me. I'm excited to see the results. I have to keep in mind that I can't quit just because there are no results after two days. That's been my history lately--start off strong, see no results in 2 or 3 days and then just give up.

    Not this time. With all my Fitness Pals I'm going to do this!!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    save for later
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Susan - you'll do well here! While you didn't ask for advice - here's the advice I'd give if you had :wink:

    Track EVER BITE you put into your mouth - even if you lick the knife making a kid a sandwich... count that peanut butter. It's amazing what you learn about your diet when you do this.

    Enter your information (age weight goals etc) into My Fitness Pal and then FOLLOW the CALORIE RECOMENDATIONS. A lot of us want it FASTER like the Biggest Losers but you'll burn out.

    Eat your calories, eat at least half your exercise calories.

    Eat GOOD calories - healthy food makes you feel GREAT, junk will give you an ikcy feeling :grumble:

    Get sleep - at least 7 hours every night:yawn:

    DRINK WATER it helps in many ways!:drinker:

    Exercise smart - don't hurt yourself but also really make yourself put out an effort!:happy:

    Remember it's about the long haul - and we're all here together. One awful weekend binge :huh: does not a "lifestyle change" break. So expect bad days (or weekends or vacations or what ever) because life happens and it's all just part of this process.:ohwell:

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Happy Monday ladies! Lets start it off right!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I'm pumped up and ready to get back on track. I can't believe how sick that junk did made me! Yet I continued to stuff my face with it. I am re-starting at 204.4lbs which is a 10lb gain from my lowest weight a few weigh ins ago.

    I'm surprisingly not freaked out just ready to get it back off and continue on this journey.

    Be back in later to chat


  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Somehow, I made it through the weekend under calorie goals... although I feel like I ate waaay more than what I logged (pancakes for breakfast yesterday... delicious, but I felt full almost immediately). The boyfriend dug out the medicine ball and we went to the park to sweat it out a little. It was really great working out with him. He's a good motivator :) Only down side is that I wrenched my ankle. It isn't terrible... but definitely sore.

    I weighed my self this morning and i am up .6 pounds from my weigh in on Friday. Which I actually think is good, because I feel like it should be more and I am way thirsty.

    The Today Show is featuring the "Eat This Not That" book. Good stuff!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning gals.

    UP a few lbs this morning :( went wayyyy over on saturday a little over yesterday.

    still perplexed, if my hrm is cacluating correctly or not. Was Shocked on how hubby's was soo much more than mine...i found there is a factor on the hrm that will calculate more cals burned or not. It is the MAx v02..It defaults to one thing, but not sure if it is right or not...they said you can have this tested, but don't really want to have $$ to do this...

    I havfe also been reading and it saying that people with low blood pressure just don't get as high a hr..i wonder ...i never can get mine over 155 even if i am working my hardest ever....i have low (not dangerious low, just low side of normal), i just want to get the best out of my workouts...

    so for you exercising pro's...like friday, i did 45 min on the elliptical burning 350 cals..would you think this is normal ...or would you think i should burn more...

    Nothing like a Monday morning and me going off on an tangent huh...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lilDebbie-You've been having pretty good losses. I think you are getting what you need from your workouts. I use to not be able to get my heart rate out of the 150's until recently. You can try putting up the intensity on the cardio equipment. At more incline or something to make it harder on your legs. You wont go as fast but it will blast your heart rate up. I wouldn't worry too much about it. You are gonna drive yourself nuts. What you've been doing is working for you.

    Awestfall-Happy Monday to you! Lets start this week off on a good foot all together! I'm in!

    Cris-So glad to hear you are pumped at ready to go! Don't sweat being 204. You will be back down in no time. Your body is ready to burn some fat!

    tstout-Hope your ankle feels better soon!

    bluenote-Yay for doing good at a buffet! I don't trust myself for that yet! :laugh:

    mstahl-I bet you are excited for Megan to get here!! Hope you get her room ready to go in time. I saw your picturse on fb of the lake, so beautiful!! Hope George is out by the end of the week. He sounds like quite a ladies man!

    Wow! I had quite a busy weekend! It was a great one though. The kabobs I made yesterday freaking ROCKED! OMG they were so good! But I drank too many bloody mary's and malibu and coke zeros. But today's a fresh start for everybody and I'm on board! My cousin and her husband are here today and tomorrow so I wont get any gym time but we are going to hurricane harbor tomorrow so lots of walking! Happy Monday ladies!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    Sounds like today is the day!! To all of you that are out of your funks and starting fresh today, Congrats!! :drinker: I know you all can do it and do it well!!

    Dakota - Welcome!! :happy:

    mstahl - Sounds like you are going to be busy and have lots of fun the summer with the grandbabies and George there with you! I sure you are going to have a blast!!

    Nancy - Congrats on the great week last week! You are doing AWESOME!!!:bigsmile: Way to stay in control at the buffet. I am sure that I would have to really reel myself back. Maybe that is why I have stayed away from them as much as I can lately. Keep up the great work!!

    Deb - I think men do burn more than women but I could be wrong. I don't know much about that stuff and I don't have an HRM. With the elliptical, I do 30 mins and I burn around 350 calories so if you have a lower blood pressure than I would think that 300 in 45 wouldn't be too bad.

    Well today I am very thirsty so I need to start swimming in water. I had fajitas for lunch and dinner yesterday and will probably be eating leftovers for a while. We had a lot of food yesterday at our house! I didn't weigh myself this morning because I was running really late but I also didn't want to see my weight. I am hoping that Saturday and Sundays eating didn't screw up my morning weight on Saturday. I already plugged in that 1.5 lbs loss because I was so excited, I don't want to have to take it back out. I am going to try and walk on my break to start off the day and then exercise more when I get home. I went outside a few minutes ago and it is soooo muggy! I LOVE A/C and don't like the heat and mugginess (if that is even a word).
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Okay i am going to try and not stress over it...and just continue on what i was doing....

    Thinking about it, i guess that why hubby gets almost 500 more calories than me he just burns that much more..guess just the competitiveness in me ...i want to do as good as he does :) He isn't loosing weight faster than me so i think it is all relative..

    I opted out of spin class yesterday, we were just tooo sore and the lady on sund morning is crazy (in a good way), and no way i could survive...my legs were killing me...guess combo of spin class fri night + lift class on sat morning (the lady was tough this week...we did push ups yeah this girl doesn't do push ups...and like 10 min of stomach crunches, i was dying and my abs are stil hurting), then all the walking and up the stairs on sat night at the water park.

    Going to go up and do a workout at lunch ...get back on track, i know these lbs I am up are eith from the sodium fest on Saturday or my muscles just holding on to water or both...On friday i was less than 2 bls from the 260's...I really want to see that 26# on friday!!!!!!!

    I found out yesterday that my sister , her new husband and her kids are coming for thankstiving...I haven't seen them since her wedding in september (when i was about 310), I am hoping to be like 80-90 lbs loss when she comes.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    sorry...double post.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Thanks everyone for the welcome. I am so excited to be starting fresh and ready to knock ALL this weight off. It is time to get it together and be healthy and have more energy and Just be Happy! I hope everyone has a Fantastic Monday!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    so far so good! I have my meals planned for the day and should be able to stick to it. I plan on going to the gym after work and I will be easing myself back into a workout routine.

    I am scared and excited at the same time. I am scared that my endurance has gone down but excited to push my self again and start feeling better!

    How's everyone doing today?


  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm sleepy...I had coffee and NOTHING!

    How you?